Explore the Dual VP Treatment at Newbody NL Medical Spa

Unlock the potential of your skin with the innovative Dual VP Treatment from SharpLight, available at Newbody NL Medical Spa in Mount Pearl. This versatile and effective treatment system offers a broad spectrum of benefits, ideal for those seeking comprehensive skin enhancement with minimal downtime.

What Does Dual VP Treat?

What Does Dual VP Treat?

The Dual VP Treatment is designed to address multiple skin concerns, making it a top choice for comprehensive skin care:

– Photo-rejuvenation: Improves the appearance of sun damage, and pigmentation issues like age spots and freckles.

Experience the transformative effects of the Dual VP Treatment at Newbody NL Medical Spa in Mount Pearl, NL. Enhance your natural beauty and achieve a clearer, more radiant complexion. Book your consultation today and see the difference Dual VP can make for you!
